Friday, November 10, 2006

"Moderates" just can't catch a break

If you thought my rebuke of "moderate" voters was harsh, wait until you see what the DUmmies have to say about them:

boolean (836 posts)
Fri Nov-10-06 09:09 AMOriginal message
You so called "moderates" keep spoiling our fun
I always see a "debate" around here about what it means to be moderate, about what the definition of liberal and moderate is. Here.If you are against gay marriage, you are not a moderate, you are a bigot.If you don't believe in free healthcare for all, regardless of one's income, you are not a moderate, you are uncaring and selfish.If you support the war in Iraq ala Joe Lieberman "because it's the right thing to do", you are not a moderate, you are a chickenhawk warmonger.If you don't think Bush, Cheney, and many others should be impeached because you would rather have everyone work together like in some fucking episode of Sesame Street, you are not a moderate, you are a coward.If you think there should be no limits or checks or regulations on who can own a gun, where one can purchase a gun, what type of gun one can own, or how one can purchase a gun, you are not a moderate, you are a lunatic.If you are against stem cell research because of some superstitious religious belief, you are not a moderate, you are uncompassionate, hypocritical, and ignorant.If you are against taxing the rich because you think the market is perfect and capitalism works 100% for the benefit of everyone, you are not a moderate, you are an asshole.Finally,If you call yourself a moderate, but you voted for the GOP in this election, you are not a moderate, you are a lying freeper troll.

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